Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweet life: Butterflies, strawberries, elephants

Good evening! Today I introduced the letter

ف   "f" 
There are so many fun words that begin with this letter! 
Farawala (strawberry):  فراولة 
 Feel (elephant): فيل
 Farasha (butterfly): فراشة
 Fondoq (hotel)
Farkha (chicken, but this is not colloquial  Arabic, rather the dialect version of "dajaj")
Many of the kids I teach Arabic is their second language so introducing several words a day is pointless and it is difficult for them to remember. I usually aim to introduce about 2-3 words per Sunday. If this were an everyday school, I would only introduce one word per day. Remember, repetition is key. Repeat the letter and words several times and have the students repeat the words several times (3-5 times). I also have my students write down the new letter on project of the day. 

Today I introduced three new words: farawla, feel and farasha. However, farasha (butterfly) was the main activity.I wanted to bring in fresh strawberries for the kids to eat -- but it was a crazy week. So I had they make little strawberries with puff balls (see below). I drew a photo of an elephant on the board and also showed our class puppet -- an elephant! He is now referred to as Mr. Feel instead of Mr. Elephant (Mr. elephant usually helps out with morning exercises). 

One student told me today after we completed the projects: you are the best teacher ever because you make us do fun things when we learn them! Totally made my day. Hands- on activities, sunday school teachers, is SO important for little kids.

So here are our pretty butterflies. 


popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, stickers, glue, scissors,  markers googly eyes ,  tissue paper & puff balls (for the strawberry)

My masterpiece

And the students' awesome work:

Oh look! The Farasha is eating a Farawla! Notice the elephant (feel) in the back that I drew- no ears (Hi Amirah & Tony)!

That one cool student who  decided to put the eye on the wings
The other awesome student who made a cyclops butterfly

Have a beautifulfly day!
What other fun letters begin with the letter Fah? 

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